Der Ubuntu Community-Manager Jono Bacon hat vor ein paar Wochen sein Buch The Art of Community offiziell im Buchhandel vorgestellt. Nun hat er es unter der CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 zum Download freigegeben. Es geht primär nicht um Ubuntu oder Freie Software, sondern wie man Menschen zu einer Community zusammenbringt und diese Gemeinschaft bei der Stange hält und fördert. Trockener Lesestoff, doch Jono hat Erfahrung aus erster Hand und redet aus dem Nähkästchen. Ich zitiere einfach mal die Einleitung von Amazon, unter könnt ihr „Euer“ Exemplar herunterladen.

Online communities offer a wide range of opportunities today, whether you’re supporting a cause, marketing a product or service, or developing open source software. The Art of Community will help you develop the broad range of talents you need to recruit members to your community, motivate and manage them, and help them become active participants. Author Jono Bacon offers a collection of experiences and observations from his decade-long involvement in building and managing communities, including his current position as manager for Ubuntu, arguably the largest community in open source software. You’ll discover how a vibrant community can provide you with a reliable support network, a valuable source of new ideas, and a powerful marketing force. The Art of Community will help you:

  • Develop a strategy, with specific objectives and goals, for building your community
  • Build simple, non-bureaucratic processes to help your community perform tasks, work together, and share successes
  • Provide tools and infrastructure that let contributors work quickly
  • Create buzz around your community to get more people involved
  • Track the community’s work so it can be optimized and simplified
  • Explore a capable, representative governance strategy for your community
  • Identify and manage conflict, including dealing with divisive personalities

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